Complete GST solution

GovReports is India’s First Web Based GST Reporting
and eFiling Platform!

We’ve been operating in Australia since 2008 as Australia’s first SBR/XBRL compliance reporting and lodgement platform, so you can rest assured we know what we are doing.

In fact, our technology is so good we've got multiple innovation patents over them in several countries.

Started by Tiana Tran and Nagaraj Veerachettiar around the time SBR was introduced by the Australian Government in 2008 to improve efficiency in data processing across government agencies and the business community.

We identified an opportunity to make a big difference in the compliance space by reducing errors and compliance costs associated with outdated desktop lodgement systems. And we wanted to create a platform that was accessible to all, anywhere and anytime.

GovReports officially launched in 2010 as Australia's first cloud based, tax and SBR lodgement platform and in 2017, we are expanding our services to India for GST Reporting and Electronic Lodgement/Filing. Having had our software development and back office in India, so it’s only natural to expand the service to India with the arrival of GST regime.

In India, GovReports operates as an Application Service Provider (ASP) via XXX X GSP covering all aspects GST reporting as well as additional services to maintain the data in a secure form.

We don't use outdated technology or shortcuts as bridging solutions to provide you service inconsistently to meet compliance. This is so that our customers can have faster and quality service.

Customers use GovReports not just for our features but because they know we're on top of new technology and will be ready whenever the landscape changes like we always have been.