Learn about GSTR 2B

Our Indian Government has previously announced about the introduction of new GST returns RET-1 and RET-2. But this announcement is temporarily stopped and the existing system (existing GST returns)  will continue until further notice.  But existing system shall be modified with an advanced version and will be available in portal.

But the government introduced a new form i.e. GSTR 2B with additional features. This GST return is used for claiming Input tax credit.

This form will help to match the Input Tax Credit based on the forms GSTR3B, GSTR 1 and GSTR2A

The GSTR2B form has PDF and Email features which can be used to download and print the form.  It is generated on monthly basis as just like other forms of GST. ITC balance is included in this form which is attached to GSTR3B.

This form can be downloaded in Excel or pdf format whenever they need. There are some additional features like search and filter option this form.



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