- The filing of GST returns has undergone a prime changes in the past two and a half years. Still it will have an another significant change with the new system, effective from 1st April 2020. Hence, the government may recommend and pass the necessary changes to the GST law and its corresponding rules on the GST Returns.
Tag Archives: gst reporting
Overview of New GST returns
GST has been introduced in July 2017. Since then, the government has been continuously looking to improve the Return filing system for accurate flow of tax data and easy reporting by the taxpayers.
CONTINUE READINGOnline GST Reporting for business is an obligation not an option!
India has kept moved its pace ahead very swiftly with the introduction of GST. The GST council along with the GST Network has come up with an appropriate solution for recording all the invoices at one place effectively for the paying taxes. Many taxes are cut short and everything is summed up into just a single tax, that is GST. The full form of GST is Goods and Services Tax. It has become mandatory to file GST return.
GST Registration Requirements
Under any taxation law, the first compliance that a taxpayer is required to fulfill is to get himself registered before the appropriate tax authorities. All the taxpayers are identified from the unique number allotted to them by the concerned tax authorities at the time of obtaining registration. A formal registration with the concerned tax authorities confer the following benefits to a taxpayer: